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The purpose of our community-based organization is to prevent and eliminate domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking through direct services to victims, education, and prevention. Recognizing the struggle of victims to end the violence in their lives and the lives of their children, the Committee Against Domestic Violence provides free and confidential services to not only victims of physical abuse but also to victims of emotional, verbal, economical, sexual abuse and stalking regardless of where they live in Northern Nevada. Elko Committee Against Domestic Violence is the only non-profit organization providing victim advocacy to a 30,000 square mile area (4 times the size of Clark County) which includes Elko, White Pine, and Eureka counties. Below are just a few of the services offered by CADV at Harbor House and throughout our service area.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: The best way to plan for safety is to contact a domestic violence crisis center for guidance through the steps that victims need to take. We offer the only 24-hour crisis line in Elko, White Pine, and Eureka counties. Whether you or someone you know needs immediate assistance, someone to talk to, or support to help guide your next step, there is always a trained advocate to answer your call. The crisis line can offer information and support in all areas, including domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Crisis line calls come not only from the victims, but also from law enforcement, mental health, medical facilities, friends, and families. Elko Committee Against Domestic Violence responds to all calls. The hotline number is 775-738-9454 or toll free 1-888-738-9454.
CRISIS INTERVENTION: For many victims and their children, crisis intervention is the difference between another violent episode and safety. CADV is the only non-profit agency in Elko, White Pine, and Eureka counties providing 24-hour crisis intervention. Victims and their families can request and receive assistance during a crisis by contacting the 24-hour hotline. Advocates are available to meet face to face with victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Crisis intervention not only occurs at Harbor House but also with law enforcement, social services, or the hospital. Advocates respond to every call; assess and assist.
SHELTER: A domestic violence shelter is the best choice for emotional support and access assistance within the legal and social service system. Elko Committee Against Domestic Violence provides a safe, homelike atmosphere for victims at Harbor House free of charge. Harbor House is the only long-term shelter for victims and their children in Northeastern Nevada. Being a 5,700 square foot handicap accessible facility, Harbor House has eight (8) bedrooms and five bathrooms. The 100% handicap accessible safehouse provides shelter for 28 victims and children. While staying in Harbor House, all basic necessities of victims and their children are available on site. At Harbor House, shelter is more than a warm place to stay and eat meals. Shelter is a combination of a safe home and supportive services provided in the context of a respectful and flexible relationship. The ultimate result – women feeling that they have the ability to get back on their feet while breaking the cycle of violence for themselves and their children.
CREATING OPTIONS FOR VICTIMS IN ELKO (COVE): The Committee Against Domestic Violence believes ongoing emotional support is key to choosing a non-violent life. When victims operate in a panic state, they cannot think straight to make the best decisions. However, these choices require tough changes in thinking and living. As a self-sufficiency program, COVE provides advocacy, peer counseling, referrals, and recovery programs while creating opportunities for victims to avoid future abuse and supporting their choices. Services within the COVE program include but are not limited to:
PEER COUNSELING: Victims need respectful inquiry, active listening, and a willingness to act. It is particularly important to build a safe and fair environment for women to speak freely. Peer Counseling provides information and education on the cycle of abuse including intergenerational abuse and assists victims to see patterns in their lives. Advocates support victims as they investigate options and explore choices to end the violence in their lives using what they have learned. Advocates do not make choices for victims at Harbor House but create a support system within the community for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
VICTIM ADVOCACY: Victims need to know their rights and not only what services are offered within our community, but also what will be expected. The steps through the system (law enforcement, judicial, legal, social services, health care, housing, non-profits, etc.) can be overwhelming for most individuals and especially for victims. Committee Against Domestic Violence advocates are trained on the resources offered, requirements, and implementation including their policies, procedures, and enforcement. Advocates assess each victim’s needs and offer appropriate referrals to community resources. CADV advocates assist victims when accessing other state and federal victim programs including victim notification, victim’s compensation, confidential address program, legal assistance, and battered immigrant woman status.
LEGAL ADVOCACY: An essential component of society’s judicial system is victim protection. CADV provides legal and court advocacy to victims, including restraining order assistance. Advocates accompany victims as they go through the judicial system including interviews, preliminaries, trials, and other court hearings, including during and after the decision of the judge or jury. Advocates are available to assist with TPO applications and accompany. The advocate does not represent the victim legally but acts as a support person. CADV has no attorneys on staff and cannot give legal advice.
RECOVERY PROGRAM: To provide continuing emotional support, CADV facilitates a weekly recovery group for victims. The group provides a safe place for victims to talk about what has happened to them, express emotions, heal, learn, and to identify goals. The idea is to develop survival skills necessary for managing life’s transitions in everyday society. The goal is for a victim to attain self-sufficiency, create a non-violent lifestyle, and choose what is best for her. The group goes beyond a typical support group, structured to include topics such as the cycle of violence, assertiveness, self-esteem, parenting, and living single. Participants include Harbor House residents, former residents, current victims, and survivors. A bonus of the group is a support system with others on the journey to end the cycle of violence in their lives.
OUTREACH: The isolation of Northeastern Nevada necessitates the development of a variety of methods to provide services, including formal and informal agreements, to victims of domestic, dating, and sexual violence and stalking. It is impossible to list all of CADV’s partners in formal and/or collaborative efforts. But here are just a few: the State of Nevada’s Attorney General’s Office (outreach to White Pine and Eureka), Victim-Witness Services (outreach to White Pine and Eureka), West Wendover Police Department (outreach to Wendover), Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence (funding and networking with other domestic violence agencies and the legislature), Elko Police Department, Elko County Sheriff’s Department, Nevada State Welfare, Division of Child and Family Services, and Elko County Welfare.
The newest collaborative effort is the Elko County Victim Advocacy Project. The purpose of the project is to improve access to community-based services, including shelter to a specific vulnerable population – victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking throughout Elko County with specialized outreach to West Wendover. The partners in this collaborative effort are West Wendover Police Department (WWPD, City of West Wendover, Elko Committee Against Domestic Violence (CADV), and Elko County Sheriff’s Office (ECSO). The collaboration is and will continue to seek funding to guarantee services to victims and trainings for agency staff.
EDUCATION AND PREVENTION: Presentations and trainings are available through the Committee Against Domestic Violence on domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Topics include the dynamics of abuse, personalities, available assistance, and prevention. Programs are tailored to the audience, requested information and available for all age groups. The Executive Director is certified in several training disciplines, including POST (law enforcement) certification.
The Elko Committee Against Domestic Violence participates in health fairs, community events, etc. when invited and as feasible.
During October (Domestic Violence Awareness Month), January (Stalking Awareness Month) and April (Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Awareness Month), the Committee Against Domestic Violence plans activities that educate the community and victims on the services provided and funding sources. Past activities have included candlelight vigils, seminars, balloon releases, clothesline project, parades, purple ribbons, and pinwheels. CADV schedules fundraising activities during awareness month whenever possible. Information is always available during all fundraising events. CADV sponsored presentations are free and open to the public.
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